
Candela Global, LLC


Candela Global is the vehicle for most of Dennis' current activities. Candela Global is not an operating company and is primarily a holding company for technologies developed by Dennis, his partners and associates, clients and a number of volunteer efforts.

Patents Pending


Systems and Methods for Distributed Blockchain Monitoring and Inherent Latency Compensation


Filed: 2023-May-25
Application Number: 18/323408
Document: US-20240303665-A1

Methods, systems and computer readable media for managing (e.g., queuing, batching, submission, and logging) and monitoring distributed blockchain operations such as cryptocurrency operations and transactions by client application systems and end users of a client application system to compensate for the inherent latency in distributed blockchain systems.

Systems and Methods for Economic Price Discovery In Social Media Networks Including Games


Filed: 2023-May-25
Application Number: 18/323409
Document: TBD

Methods, systems and computer readable media for economic price discovery in social media networks including games are described. For example, a system and method can include assessing content, enhancing the quality of end user interaction, and overall utility of a social media network or information system by performing price discovery utilizing a user interface and price discovery mechanism among assessment controls utilized on a social media platform or application.



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