Dennis R. Gesker

Dennis R. Gesker

Teams, Technology, Tools and Timing

Resume: Full

Core Competencies

Leadership and Human Capital ManagementProcess and Change Management
Information Resource Strategy and ManagementIT Performance Assessment
IT Project and Program ManagementCapital Planning and Investment Control
Acquisition & Organization IntegrationCybersecurity/Information Assurance (IA)
Information and Knowledge ManagementEnterprise & Software Architecture
Technology Management and AssessmentTechnical Staff Training & Development

Foundational Technologies

IT Strategy ᐧ Project Management ᐧ Team Leadership ᐧ Technical Staff Development ᐧ Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) ᐧ Agile & Waterfall ᐧ Enterprise Architecture ᐧ Microsoft Dynamics ᐧ System Administration ᐧ Linux ᐧ NixOS ᐧ Windows Server ᐧ Kubernetes ᐧ Docker ᐧ Podman ᐧ Blockchain ᐧ ZCash Integration ᐧ SQL ᐧ Postgresql ᐧ MySql ᐧ MS-SQL ᐧ NoSql ᐧ MongoDb ᐧ SurrealDb ᐧ DynamoDb ᐧ AWS ᐧ Azure ᐧ Linode ᐧ Contabo ᐧ Java ᐧ Jakarta EE ᐧ Quarkus ᐧ Spring Boot ᐧ Rust ᐧ Python ᐧ REST ᐧ gRPC ᐧ GIS ᐧ GeoTools ᐧ Qgis ᐧ SVN ᐧ Maven ᐧ GIT ᐧ Ansible ᐧ Terraform ᐧ Puppet ᐧ DevOps ᐧ Cloud ᐧ HIPAA Compliant Network Design

Background / Summary

Having 30 years of experience in the information technology field Dennis has worked with dozens of programming languages and foundational information technologies including all manner of products, gear, operating systems, databases, cloud based systems, utilized in both small (LAN), mobile (Domestic Carrier Level WAN) and global information systems; Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS).

Executive Profile

Possesses a well-balanced skill set which includes business operations, systems analysis and information technology, and team management.

This skill set is supported by strong communication skills and deep knowledge of numerous tools, techniques and analytical frameworks, which also proved useful in his role as a fiduciary, while a leader in technology field, and most recently the biotechnology industry.

Consistently demonstrates initiative, flexibility and agility in support of financial reporting, budgeting, operations, marketing and strategic diversification efforts within the particularly competitive telecommunications and data center contracting industry with an emphasis on cost reduction, process optimization with a focus on preventing organizational sunk costs.

Maintains a deep appreciation of the necessity and importance of operational security, a foundational belief engrained in the approach to information systems while operating and managing secure international computers and networks utilized earlier in his career while servicing the US State Department and related US Intelligence and Military organizations as required in critical TS/SCI environments. These system frameworks were reinforced by his experience in supporting infrastructure build outs in carrier level telecommunications networks and biotechnology fields where HIPAA regulations with regard to system development were considered elementary and the demands of fledgling proprietary AL/ML products being developed for global customers, clients, and project stakeholders.

Technology is ultimately about people. This is the core of an adopted mission to drive and support: Teams, Tech, Tools & Timing!